FAQ - Sellers

Price: From 0-euro registration for 2 years.
The help of our team to support you in the process of developing your store.

People of Health takes 3% commission from your sales.

To help you, sellers, expand your products more internationally.
Have your own Marketplace and be able to manage it.
We just help you launching your store on our platform.



FAQ - Customers

High-quality healthcare products from all over the world,
such as: masks, dental products, medical instruments, natural medicine ….

It depends on the product, but it can come from Germany, UK, Pakistan, China.
All over the world.

Yes. You can buy as a casual customer. We make B to C orders.
(Business to Consumer)

You have to click on “Hello, sign in your account” in the top right-hand corner.
Then, click on register and create your own account.



No. As every supplier has their own shop, if you want to buy products
from different suppliers you have to make two separated orders.


You will receive a confirmation E-Mail of your order on your email address.

It depends on the company you’re ordering from and their conditions.
When you order a product, it will be mentioned if you can return it or not.
If you can also get a refund.



By E-Mail: office@bagobag.com
By Phone: +49 (0) 30 47 37 29 100

Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm

Breite Strasse 4A
13187 Berlin